Uncle Albert's Poems: page 7

On and on may worlds revolve,
On and on may Man resolve
To live; forever falls the snow
On turret, tower and field.
Jump then, little man, catch
The planets at your fingertips;
Let your heart rejoice in glory,
Your foot yet slips.
"Glory be, its half-past three."
Sang Green and Blue (true blue),
So they adjourned for quiet tea
Until 'twas half-past two.
At half-past one the lawyer rang
Inviting them to dinner,
And he who arrived too early sang
The song of a weak sinner.
And tea was all they had to soak
That solid bastard Teak and Oak.
There is a dull house. And there
A bright one. Empiness
However long I stare.
Here is a clever girl. That one stupid.
Here is a good poem. An on
And on the nonsense roars.
Whatever was of interest is dull
And all the dull things never change;
So, in platitude and banal generality
The world is summed to infinity.
Progress in frenzied sloness. Science.
But where is God?
He got left behind.
Thunder reverberates in slowness
And the gates of Time, destroyed,
Crumble; boldly the day
Opens into the starry void.
Let stars burn out and fade,
Let pond drown wooded glade,
World crumble into dirt and dust.
Peace, cry no more, Earth;
The moon is gone for e'er;
Let your tears dry in joy
That it was never really there.
Bitter the waning moon
And harsh the coyote howl,
Dull the tawdry sun
And sullen the hoot of owl
Cold all life with glazèd
Eye with dull life jaded.
In your eyes
Cannot disguise
You are not there.
How would you like to be
Quite insane like me,
Sail down the river and up round the bend
I'm Humpty Dumpty, and me they can't mend.
No one will ever see
Either you or me
Under the bridges of Paris, and you
Will be quite barmy, too.
Elephant sees puddle
Drinks; no puddle.
Puddle see elephant
Dries up; no elephant.
No beer; all disappear;
I was there, and you are here.
The sight of too great beauty wounds
The soft touch of a passing thought.
The rock of reason crushes
The flowers of the imagination.
Cold drops of reason burst
The bubble of I .. . Trees stand bare
In winterblast ... the rifle, the rose,
And the wreath, rain
Puddling my thoughts.
The smoke of the cigarette mounts in coils,
Twisting, turning, swiftly swirling
Gently spreading, until it fades
Into the subtle smoke-glazed haze
Of the Universe's aeons.
Remains the butt
Stubbed out by Death,
Brief soul Man's smoke rises,
By hasty breeze spread, annoyed,
Twists and turns distraught;
A little whirl of fire, destroyed.
Your golden hair flows through my soul, its pilèd waves
Curl o' er the saucy eyebrows arched and shading
The sparkling blue-grey jewel-set eyes
That laugh at me, their jaunty sparkle
Flashing a promise of sweet desired prize
Beneath the proud and dainty nose. I see
The cupid bow of ruby lips, that curve
To melt the loving soul that ever craves
Delight and wisdom; quiet of your charms
I speak; my words flow on to softly lull
The small pink sea-shell ear; but vain, my transient love,
Beneath your breathless beauty lies a grinning skull.