Uncle Albert's Poems: page 6

The man jumped at the star,
He seized its flame, and left,
While unlit star cried loud
That it had been bereft.
The sun heard poor star call,
And burnt the man in rage,
Conderined his ashes proud
Into a moonless cage.
The ashes laughed, and rose,
Grew into man again,
Tore sun from highest seat,
And drowned it in the rain.
The purple glory rises in the west,
The land of promise fair and treasured gold,
All shaded by such blue-spun mists of love,
What glory, wonder, marvel, does't not hold?
The purple marvel rises o'er the rock
0f sneering reason. Skim clouds of doubt
And clumsy mind, leave reasoned pleasures
Far behind, merge into Heaven's purple day.
Slow curled the sun in frenzied waves of gold,
The sun has seen too much - it is too old
To call this foolish.
The long-loved over waves have gone,
And the ever-conscious mind chatters on.
He stood on the bridge and smiled:
"We're all insane, you know.
I laughed at him and threw him
Into the river below.
I stand on the bridge and smile,
Jumping madly to and fro,
And with a lunatic shirek of glee
Leap into the river below.
The Mermaid sweet sat on a rock
Combing her long golden hair
In the salty sea's innocent breeze.
But cold, cold reason froze her dead
And split her rocky rest in two,
And all the sparkling seas will freeze.
Lest laughter should shake you,
Sing melancholy, and lest
That too should bore you,
Then my method test.
It's ying fiddle de dee,
And as you'll agree,
Well suited to me.
I often wondered what they'd put
On my tombstone with "hic jacet",
But last night they came, took me away,
Put me in a straight-jacket.
I wander lonely as a cloud
O'er field and pasture new,
For everyone is mad to me,
And I am sane, not you.
Man will be grateful to God;
Man will be grateful to you
If you give him a tanner
Or give him a bob,
But he'll ne'er be grateful
If you give him a job.
You ended my world, my love,
And me forgot; I do not grieve.
You took my love, left me so cold,
When you did leave
But I rejoice new born, my pet,
The day to dawn did not forget.
Here is your picture at the Ball, dear;
Where in it am I, your partner?
Neither there nor in your thoughts, dear;
I danced with you, I held you tight
Not a single glance threw you my way.
And you were lovely in the cherry-red,
Your dark eyes flashing, your hair
Black upon my shoulder.
I kissed and held you,
But who were you thinking there?
Look at me now, my love - am I the one
Who's been with you this while?
Is it only when you think of John
At me you smile?
Now you cannot touch me,
Now you cannot love;
Cold stone prevents the lover's kiss
And mocks. Say, fool, would you clutch me?
Are you jealous of this sorry earth
That holds me in such tight embrace
Eternally? Say fool, would you love?
And Death's more ardent lover.
And I have heard you moaning with each kiss;
Your words sound hollow, and your heart
is harder stone than now oppresses me.
Through all your tears, this anger, all this strife,
You loved but one, your own weak self,
Through all your petty, selfish life.
How shines the moon?
How shines it? Full
And glittering the moon
Put the damn thing out.